Custom Design
We look forward to working with you to design your own, unique custom rug. We can create a design that matches your décor, working with existing elements in the room, or can use almost anything that has meaning and beauty for you, from the flowers in a wedding bouquet to a child's drawing. Read more about custom rugs in these articles.
Designing Your Custom Rug gives an overview of the steps in designing and weaving a custom rug.
Custom Color Your Rug explains how we can match the colors you want to the yarns available at our mills.
Production Information discusses the production process, from shearing the sheep through dyeing, weaving and washing.
GoodWeave explains how this organization ensures that our rugs are produced without child labor.
Shipping and Returns discusses our return policy and explains how some of the very largest rugs may need to be crated and put on a ship, although most rugs for home use will arrive by air within a few days of completion.
Please note: We will not copy a design from another company or designer without permission.